Giving thanks: As season changes and thoughts turn to holiday, award-winning memoir offers fresh perspective on thankfulness from double organ transplant recipient whose illness cost him his life – twice

   Paul Perkins shares his riveting story in Death Defied, Life Defined: A Miracle Man’s Memoir   STEELVILLE, Missouri  – Sept. 16, 2016 — In Missouri, the first leaves are falling, pumpkins are appearing and temperatures are starting to cool. 

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Sobering statistic for college parents: A staggering 75 percent of church kids leave as young adults, shipwrecked by doubt and skepticism — but new approach fights to keep faith by challenging assumptions we make

ATLANTA – September 16, 2016 – Christian parents worry. Recently, thousands of parents have released brand new college students into the choppy waters of colleges and universities, hoping their children not only survive academically, but also spiritually in dangerous and

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